Stay Fun at Home During Pandemic - Babas' Idea

Stay Fun at Home During Pandemic

Pandemic situation takes our times more at home. It is just fine for the first month may be, but start to be bored afterwards. People start missing school, office, traveling, or just walking around the city, doing anything they are interested in. I actually feel the same as well as common people do. I just start to think of the way how to make my home get more fun rather than go away to get refreshment in many vacation spot since it is still high risk of COVID-19 outbreaks for outdoor activity, particularly in urban area like Jakarta where we live right now. Here are some ideas of mine how to have home more fun and enjoyable during pandemics.

1. Household Reorganizing 

Spending more times at home with the same atmosphere or scenery bored everyone. You need something fresh after a few weeks quarantine. Reorganizing the household will work to change your mood. You can change sofa sitting position, change bed position, put some new painting at wall. Put some ornament on your bed room, make it seems like hotel room. Keep your home clean and fragrant definitely turn your home more enjoyable.

No matter if you have no idea for reorganizing household just find trough internet for some references related to home decor. Find some example that enable to implement to your home. There are many ideas of home decor in internet or social media such Pinterest.

2. Add Plants on Backyard

Before pandemic if you have backyard just a space for putting old stuff, unnecessary items or damaged goods, this is the best time for decluttering and changing everything nice and more beautiful.  

Add some plants to make it look green and fresh. You can put some plants on pot and others directly on the ground. Start your day by seeing the Green backyard and inhale fresh morning air. Don't forget to keep watering them, insert it on your routine list. 

3. Cooking Challenge 

Weekend when you have no office job to do from home is the best quality time with family. Commonly on weekend  people go somewhere for fun with family, such restaurant, mall, or other entertaining places. Since it is pandemic circumstance, so make your weekend cheerful with cooking challenge at home. 

Here is the rule, 
Everyone inside  the house asked to make cuisine, what ever they want, Just feel free to explore. 

The cooking time is limited in to particular time, based on all participant agreement. By the time is over, the cuisine should be ready to be served. All cuisine is tasted by all householders, every one give a score in 1 to 5 scale for every cuisine. The winner is the one with the highest score, of course.

The winner is awarded with services such watching TV base on the winner's favorite film, spa at home, skin scare, etc. This activity may work to make your family laughing, smiling and staying happy.

4. Picnic on Backyard

Just imagine that you are in beach, use your sun glasses, set beach umbrella and enjoy your drink out door on the backyard.  Picnic on backyard is not bad, this brainly idea help your family to reduce stress. You can make a small barbecue party as well, eating and drinking together.   

5. Connect with other relatives trough video call

Stay at home absolutely drive you less face to face meeting with relatives. Manage your time to have at least once or twice a week to communicate with others trough online video call. Communicating is so important to relieve stress. your friends and family will be glad knowing how are you doing in pandemic. Video call schedule can be conducted in weekend or after working from home time. 

Well, hope you guys like it , stay healthy and happy.

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